
SuppARTing Students

This social project is called ‘suppArting students’; An initiative of 67 artists to help underfed students through their artistic activity. This group of creators from all over Greece-including professors from Fine Arts faculties of Florina and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- join their forces with New Yorker artists in a series of non profit exhibitions. The exhibits include a variety of artworks such as paintings, digital paintings, sculptures, light art, comics, collages,engravings, metal and wooden creations… Last May’s exhibition in New York Design Center is followed by two other artistic events till all the artworks ‘meet their new owner’; the first on November 8th 2015 in the Greek Cultural Center of New York, and the second in Stathakeion Cultural Hall,before the end of the year. All the proceeds are managed by the Hellenic Relief Foundation will be available to purchase snack for 300 undernourished students in 25 primary schools of Thessaloniki.Latest news in the end of this page!

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